Graphic View of the System
Here below the step by step project for the beginning 4x 16jxx.
Each step is made considering the upgrading possibility to Step 2 (8x 16jxx) and who knows maybe more in the future.
The array must to be configured in order to handle at the feed point a power up to 2.5kW digital for Q65-60.
Cables Antenna-Coupler
Cable : LMR600
Connectors : Crimp N
1/2 lambda Length Calculation : [(300.000 / 432.080) / 2] * 0.85 = 295cm
Cables Length : 206.5cm each
Loss calculation (@ 450MHz) : (5.6 / 100) * 2.065 = 0.115dB
Power Handling (@ 450MHz) : 1.3kW
Cables Coupler-Relay Box
Cable : RG-393
Connectors : Crimp 7/16″
Cables Length : 400cm
Loss calculation (@ 450MHz) : (15 / 100) * 4 = 0.6dB
Power Handling (@ 450MHz) : 2.1kW
4 Ports Coupler
The 1/2 wave coupler is made by Antennas-Amplifier and can handle 4kW at 7/16@ feed point.
7/16 DIN Teflon Input connector.
4 x Teflon “N” output connectors.
Input return loss is better than -30 dB.
Maximum power input 4000 W.
The Array is made by 4x 16jXX70
Gain Single Antenna : 14.42dBd / 16.56dBi
Teorical Arraay Gain : 20.4dBd / 22.5dBi
Boom : 3.1m
Power Handling single antenna : 1kW